How to Choose a Homeschool Math Curriculum

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through these links, Homeschool Boost gets a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you! Choosing a homeschool math curriculum, like any other aspect of homeschooling, is very individual. There is no such thing as “the best math curriculum.” There is …

Resources for Homeschooling Multiple Children of Different Ages

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through these links, Homeschool Boost gets a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you! Last week, we discussed how to homeschool multiple children of different ages. This week, I’d like to introduce you to some homeschool resources that were made …

How to Homeschool Multiple Children of Different Ages

I love watching my grown up children interact with each other. They enjoy very close relationships, and even when they are far away from each other, they speak on the phone often. They share their successes and disappointments and exchange advice and encouragement. Looking back on our homeschooling years, I can think of some things …

Learning Outside the Box

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through these links, Homeschool Boost gets a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you! This month, we’ve been troubleshooting homeschool curriculum and scheduling. We’ve talked about what to do when your child refuses to learn, how to choose a homeschooling …

Are You Flexible? More Homeschool Troubleshooting

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through these links, Homeschool Boost gets a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you! Did you spend your summer researching homeschooling curricula and choosing the best one, only to find that your child is not succeeding with it? You are …

Homeschool Scheduling: So Many Ways!

As we discussed last week, choosing your homeschool style and sticking to it can go a long way to help you get organized without feeling overwhelmed. As you move away from a school-based paradigm towards a homeschooling mindset, you’ll find that there are many ways to put together a homeschool schedule. And some of them …

The Homeschool Paradigm: Troubleshooting Curriculum and Scheduling

Last week, we spoke about one common concern parents have that lead them to believe that their homeschooling is not working – their child refusing to learn. This week, I’d like to address another common concern. We homeschoolers tend to get overly ambitious in our plans for the homeschool year. We make a long list …

“My kid doesn’t want to learn!” Homeschool Troubleshooting

You are not alone! This is the time of the year when veteran homeschoolers starting getting frantic emails, phone calls, text messages, and the like from new homeschoolers desperate for advice. Each one is different, but the underlying concern is, “My homeschooling is not working! My child refuses to do school work!” If that’s you, …