5 Self-Care Strategies for Homeschool Parents

Self-care is hard. No question about it. We can talk about it, complain, bemoan our lack of time and resources, but do we actually take any practical steps toward self-care? Honestly, most of us busy homeschool parents don’t! In (yet another) attempt to change that, here are 5 simple and practical self-care strategies you can …

Self-Care Tips from Experienced Homeschool Moms

When we encounter challenges, we tend to think that we are the only ones with such struggles. That thought is not only discouraging – it is actually harmful. It prevents us from reaching out to others for advice and support, and we remain stuck in our struggles without taking any steps to overcome them. The …

Are You Growing? The Importance of Mother Culture

“Mothers should cultivate their souls so that in turn they may cultivate the souls of their children.” Karen Andreola, a homeschool parent and author of books on homeschooling, opens her book Mother Culture with this profound quote. As mothers, we tend to get so busy taking care of our families that we neglect our own …

What about You? Why Self-Care Matters

Long ago, when I was young and naïve and did not have children yet, I saw a magnet on a friend’s refrigerator that said, “A mother’s work is never done.” Back then, I didn’t get it. Sure, it takes a lot of work to raise a family. But aren’t there quiet times when dinner is …