Self-Care Tips from Experienced Homeschool Moms

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When we encounter challenges, we tend to think that we are the only ones with such struggles. That thought is not only discouraging – it is actually harmful. It prevents us from reaching out to others for advice and support, and we remain stuck in our struggles without taking any steps to overcome them.

The goal of this post is to show you that many homeschoolers have struggled with the same challenges as you and developed strategies to address them. Let’s read their stories!

  • Julie struggled with low energy. “Have you ever woken up and an hour later, you’re ready to go back to bed? At times, I have felt that way and wondered why,” she says. Read about what she learned in How to get more energy naturally without supplements.
  • Leanna struggled with the feeling that motherhood and homeschooling were all consuming and left no time for her own interests. “[A]fter first becoming a mom, I realized that many of the passions and pursuits I held before motherhood were put on the back burner. I felt like I didn’t have the time or ability to pursue those things, let alone new things,” she says. Read about how she overcame this challenge in For When Motherhood Feels All-Consuming.
  • Melissa struggled with feelings of self-worth when she neglected herself while taking care of her family. “I lived with feeling like I needed to be a martyr for my children. That motherhood was just a thing I had to let all consume me. But this was damaging to me – and also damaging to my children. It led me to rely on them too much for my self-worth and that led me to put a lot of pressure on their behavior and their success. If your children define your self-worth in that way, then it’s easy to feel the need to make them perfect because you’re worried if they’re not perfect, you’ve failed at your job,” she says. Read about her journey to seeing herself as valuable in her post Self-Care for Homeschool Moms.

Are you struggling with your own challenges when it comes to self-care? You don’t have to figure it out on your own! Connect with experienced homeschool moms and learn from their mistakes instead of making your own!

Learn more about self-care for homeschoolers at Digital Homeschool Convention‘s February’s live session, Why the Homeschool Mama Needs Self-Care, and Why Self-Care is More than Netflix, Dark Chocolate and the Spa by Teresa Wiedrick. This event is part of Digital Homeschool Convention 2020 2021 School Year Sessions.

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